Exhibition view

Roman Ondak, Path, 2008

Exhibition view

Tomás Colaço, Se posso em P.S. (#22 Sanatorium), 2007

Tomás Colaço, #36 Sanatorium, 2007

Tomás Colaço, #08 Sanatorium, 2007

Tiago Tebet, Dead, 2011

Rodrigo Hernandez, Untitled (From the series Sense of Possibility), 2013

Rodrigo Hernandez, Untitled (From the series Sense of Possibility), 2013

Rodrigo Hernandez, Untitled (From the series Sense of Possibility), 2013

Rodrigo Hernandez, Untitled (From the series Sense of Possibility), 2013

Rodrigo Hernandez, Sense of Possibility, 2013

Rodrigo Hernandez, Diagonal cut, 2013

Roman Signer, Tur, 1994

Roman Signer, Tur, 1994 (detail)

Exhibition view

Nelson Leirner, From the series Goodnight Boa Noite Cinderela, 2013

Nelson Leirner, From the series Goodnight Boa Noite Cinderela, 2013

Lucia Koch, Arquitetura de autor (Capuava), 2010

Leonor Antunes, Looking through Anni #2, #7 and # 8, 2014

Július Koller, Pokr(a)covania a,b (U.F.O.), 1982